International Journal of Drug Formulation, Development & Research

The International Journal of Drug Formulation, Development & Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers research on the formulation, development, and evaluation of drug products. It focuses on innovative approaches to the design and development of drugs, including drug delivery systems, drug-excipient interactions, and novel formulation techniques. The journal aims to publish high-quality, original research articles and review articles that contribute to the advancement of the field of drug formulation and development.

Topics covered in the journal but are not limited to:

Formulation and Development of New Drug, Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Drug Delivery Systems, Controlled and Modified Release Formulations, In-vitro and In-vivo Drug Evaluation, New Formulation Technologies for Poorly Soluble Drugs, Formulation Strategies for Combination Drugs, Preformulation Studies, Quality by Design in Drug Development, Biosimilars and Biobetters, Regulatory Affairs in Drug Development, Drug Stability and Shelf Life Assessment