Authors: Sandeep Joshi, Dr. Anita Sharma
Abstract: Environmental pollutants, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are a growing concern due to their potential to interfere with the human endocrine system. These pollutants can alter hormone production, secretion, and regulation, leading to various health implications. The paper explores the mechanisms by which environmental pollutants affect endocrine function, discusses the key classes of EDCs, their sources, and their biological effects on humans. Additionally, the health implications of endocrine disruption are reviewed, focusing on reproductive health, metabolism, immune function, and developmental disorders. The role of regulatory measures and ongoing research is also addressed, emphasizing the need for effective strategies to mitigate exposure and protect public health.
Keywords: Environmental pollutants, endocrine disruptors, endocrine system, health implications, hormone regulation, EDCs, human health, reproductive health, metabolism, developmental disorders.
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