ManTech Publications

ManTech Publications, a research-oriented publication house, publishes 60 journals to facilitate practical application of scientific principles and research. Our science, engineering, management and medical journals bridge the gap in understanding the interdisciplinary nature of these fields.

ManTech Publications is committed to enable advancement in industrial use and improved management of applied scientific knowledge. Our editorial board comprises of eminent scholars with high level of specialization in their domain. More than ….. members of our board ensure that the works of various authors are published on time.

Our publication house is managed by a team of eminent professionals to ensure that academic knowledge is effectively utilized to develop expertise for scientific publication. Their extensive experience in fostering communication between researchers, students and professionals enables effective advancement of knowledge and its practical application.

Our editorial board consists of eminent scholars, professionals and professors who specialize in providing their own research for a specific topic or enabling other researchers to share their research. We support research in science, engineering and management by publishing:

  • Research Reports
  • Methodology Articles
  • Research Papers
  • Review Papers
  • Editorial Reports
  • Case Studies and Reports

Our aim is to provide an open platform for review of scientific research papers and their publishing. Our Editorial board members invite research works that cover latest trends in scientific progress in the country and abroad. They ensure high standards in our publication.

It is our endeavour to enable innovative brains with a platform for sharing their expertise with their peers and other interested parties. Our focus is to provide an accessible platform for researchers and reviewers to disseminate applied scientific knowledge to anyone who needs it. 

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Smart Innovations and Constructions- Book- ISBN- 978-81-953658-0-7

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Journal of Food Processing and Nutritional Science

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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Sciences

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machines

The journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining is a peer reviewed journal intended to become a quality journal in the field of Mechanical Engineering by publishing papers of high quality through critical reviews.

The journal features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field.

The focus and scope of the journal is to publish original research articles in the area of mechanical engineering with special focus on mechanical systems including modern machining, optics, materials science, building service engineering,  machine and product design, nanotechnology and biomaterials, manufacturing science and technology, mechatronics, energy technology, renewable energy, fluids engineering, robotics, process engineering, hydrodynamic systems, computational mechanics, cyber-physical systems, and biomechanics.

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Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Technology

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Journal of General Nursing and Community Health

The Journal of General Nursing and Community Health is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of General Nursing and Community Health. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Topics covered in this journal include, but are not limited to:

Anatomy and Physiology, Nutrition, Community Health Nursing, Psychology, Microbiology, Personal and Environmental Hygiene, Health Education, Sociology, Fundamentals of Nursing, First Aid, Personal Hygiene, Environmental Hygiene, Health Education and Communication Skills, Pharmacology, Medical Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing, Pharmacology, Medical Surgical Nursing II (Specialties), Orthopedic Nursing, Communicable Diseases, Ophthalmic Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Computer Education, Advanced Community Health Nursing, Paediatric Nursing, Midwifery and Gynaecology, Community Health Nursing, Educational Methods and Media for Teaching in Practice of Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Introduction to Research, Administration and Ward Management, Professional Trends and Adjustment, Health Economics, Internship Period.

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Journal of Nursing Practice, Management and Education

The Journal of Nursing Practice, Management and Education is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Nursing Practice, Nursing Management and Nurse Education. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

The scope of nursing practice is the range of roles, functions, responsibilities and activities which a registered nurse is educated, competent and has authority to perform. Nursing practice is underpinned by values that guide the way in which nursing care is provided. Nurse education consists of the theoretical and practical training provided to nurses with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals. Nursing management consists of the performance of the leadership, functions of governance and decision-making within organizations employing nurses. It includes processes common to all management like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

Topics covered in this journal include, but are not limited to:

Nursing theory and practice, nursing management and education, nursing care, nurse education, Geriatric nursing, palliative nursing, nursing training,  planning, staffing,  directing and controlling common to all management.


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Journal of Material Science & Manufacturing Technology.

The Journal of Material Science & Manufacturing Technology is an interdisciplinary Journal deals with applying the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering and also investigates the relationship between the structure of materials at atomic or molecular scales and their macroscopic properties.

It incorporates elements of applied physics and chemistry. The journal builds on the foundation of materials science and is concerned with the design, fabrication, and optimal selection of engineering materials that must simultaneously fulfill dimensional, property, quality control, and economic requirements. 

The journals basically deals with fundamental properties and characteristics of materials and their use in manufacturing technology.

Some of the topics covered under this journal (but not limited to them) are:

      • Engineering Mechanics
      • Physics of Materials
      • Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials
      • Nature and Properties of Materials
      • Industrial Economics
      • Phase Equilibria in Materials
      • Iron and Steel Making
      • Principles of Metal Extraction and Refining
      • Principles of Powder Processing
      • Corrosion and Degradation of Materials.

We invite authors to suggest and submit papers on all subjects of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology. This journal’s focus and scope is not limited to the topics mentioned above.

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Journal of Pharmacovigilance and Quality Assurance

The Journal of Pharmacovigilance and Quality Assurance is devised to meet increasing demand by industry for drug safety and quality assurance professionals or researchers, especially to provide understanding of core quality assurance methods, process and practices. The Journal helps to cultivate advance skills and competence to manage and deliver quality systems and quality results.

The journal basically focuses on the field of science that primarily deals with determining, verifying, quantifying, analyzing and reducing the ill effects of medical drugs, devices or biologicals, thus increasing their safety. Pharmacovigilance is an anchor throughout the life cycle of new drugs and devices due to a demand created by the requirement of new medical treatments and their legislation.

The journal also focuses on the core of the drug development process which is the area of quality assurance. Quality assurance helps achieving standardization and maintaining reliability at every stage of clinical trial process. Maintaining Quality throughout the clinical study is a continual dynamic process. Quality Assurance system encompasses all quality control activity and acts as a link between the monitoring activities and the regulatory inspection.

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Panchakarma: A Journal on Samshodhana and Samshamana

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International Journal of Marketing, Sales and Brand Management

The International Journal of Marketing, Sales and Brand Management is a peer reviewed journal presenting latest and outstanding papers covering the broad areas of Marketing and Sales Management.

The objective of this journal is to bring together and share sales and marketing interests from different disciplines around the world.

Focus and Scope cover (but not limited to):

  • Economic Analysis

  • Marketing Management

  • Brand Manageement

  • Sales Mgmt, Communication

  • Financial Management

  • Product & Brand Management

  • Consumer Behaviour

  • Distribution & Logistics

  • Knowledge Management

  • Advertising & Sales Promotion

  • Industrial Marketing

  • Management in Action - Social, Economic & Ethical Issues

  • Customer Relationship

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Journal of Community Medicine and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs

The Journal of community medicine and pharmaceutical regulatory affairs is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of community medicine and pharmaceutical regulatory affairs. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

The journal of community medicine and pharmaceutical regulatory affairs generally focuses on preventive and social medicine (PSM), public health, and community health etc. All these share common ground, i.e., prevention of disease and promotion of health. The journal also deals with the Pharmaceutical Regulatory affair which is developed from the desire of governments to protect public health by controlling the safety and efficacy of products. The journal prepares students to recognize the health needs of the community and carry out professional obligations ethically and in keeping with objectives of the national health policy and regulatory affairs.



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Journal of Research in Medical and Surgical Nursing

The Journal of Research in Medical and Surgical Nursing is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Medical Nursing and Surgical Nursing. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Medical and surgical nursing is a nursing specialty area concerned with the care of all patients in a broad range of settings.

Topics covered in this journal include, but are not limited to:

Ambulatory care Cardiac Correctional nursing Critical care Dental Education Emergency Faith community Flight Forensic Geriatrics Holistic Home health Hyperbaric Legal consultation Management Matron Medical-surgical Midwifery Women's Health Care Nurse Military Neonatal Nursing informatics Obstetrics Occupational health Oncology Orthopedics Pediatrics Perianesthesia Perioperative Psychiatric and mental health Private duty Public health School Space Surgical Telenursing Travel health nursing WOCN, Nursing process    , Nursing assessment, Nursing diagnosis, Nursing care plan, Nursing theory etc.


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Journal of Rural Management and Entrepreneurship

The Journal of Rural Management and Entrepreneurship is a peer reviewed journal intended to become a quality journal in the field of Rural Management and Entrepreneurship by publishing papers of high quality through critical reviews.

Rural management is the study of planning, organising, directing, and controlling of rural area, co-operatives, agribusiness and allied fields. It merges the knowledge of management studies and applying it in the rural context.

Entrepreneurship is the creation or extraction of value. With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, generally entailing risk beyond what is normally encountered in starting a business, which may include other values than simply economic ones.


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Journal of Rog Nidaan,Vikrutividnyan & Shalya Tantra

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Journal of Samhita, Shiddhanta and Sanskrit

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Journal of Dravyaguna Vigyan, Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

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Journal of Agad Tantra, Vidhi Vaidyaka and Vyavahara Ayurveda

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Srijana: A Journal on Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir

The Journal on Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Srijana: Journal on Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Rachana Sharir is an Ayurvedic branch that deals with understanding of bones, muscles, blood vessels, strotas, joints, essential organs, and marmas and garbha sharir. It is an Ayurvedic division that only deals with the study of the human body by dissection, which produces the subtle necessary basics and establishes a firm foundation for additional medical knowledge.

Kriya Sharir is a science that studies the human body in regard to its physiological standards. 'Kriya Sharir' is concerned with the study of the body's regular activities. The entire goal of Kriya Sharir is to investigate the regular operations of living organisms, their principles, mechanisms, and activities.

Some of the topics covered under this journal (but not limited to them) are:

Concept of srotas, avedhya sira, twak sharir, kala sharir, marma, concept of ojas, chaturvimshati purusha, sira, dhamni, dosha-Dhatu-Mala, Pachana, Prakruti, Atma, Mana, embryology, histology, anthropometry, genetics, structural study, functional study as well as metaphysical study of human body.

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Journal of Pharmaceutical Management and Medical Laboratory Technology

The Journal of Pharmaceutical Management and Medical Laboratory Technology is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Pharmaceutical Management and Medical Laboratory Technology. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in these highly specialized fields.

The journals focuses on the discipline of management courses, which works with the health and chemical sciences and ensures the safe and secure use of pharmaceutical drugs. The Journal also deals in an Allied Health specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of clinical laboratory tests.

Topics covered in this journal include, but are not limited to:

Pharmaceutical Marketing Management, Pharma Selling, Pharmaceutical Product and Brand Management, Pharma Distribution Management, Customer Behaviour, and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, enterprise management, advanced business concept, advanced pharmaceutical management, cytotechnology, immunology, microbiology, immunohematology, phlebotomy, histotechnology and forensic science.

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Journal of Trauma Management and Critical Care Nursing

The Journal of Trauma Management and Critical Care Nursing is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Trauma Management and Critical Care Nursing. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

The journal deals in a field of nursing with a focus on the utmost care of the critically ill or unstable patients following extensive injury, surgery or life threatening diseases. The journal also focuses on working of nurses in a wide variety of environments and specialties, such as general intensive care units, medical intensive care units, surgical intensive care units, trauma intensive care units, coronary care units, cardiothoracic intensive care units, burns unit, pediatrics and some trauma center emergency departments. The journals also deals with the core tasks of trauma nurses include providing immediate and effective medical care, administering emergency medication and drugs, and performing emergency medical procedures as needed to stabilize patients in the ICU or other emergency care setting.

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Amruta: A Journal on Prasuti Tantra, Stree and Bal Rog

The Journal on Prasuti Tantra, Stree and Bal Rog is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Prasuti Tantra, Stree and Bal Rog. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Amruta: Journal on Prasuti Tantra, Bal and Stree Rog is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Prasuti Tantra, Bal and Stree Rog. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Prasuti Tantra is an ayurvedic discipline that deals with childbirth. Prasuti tantra and Stri Roga are branches of medicine and medical specialties that deal with the management of pregnancy, labour, and the post-labor recovery phase, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses of the female reproductive system and the female genital tract.

Bal rog deals with children and their diseases. Bal rog is concerned with newborn, child, and adolescent development, care, and illnesses.

Some of the topics covered under this journal (but not limited to them) are:

Child birth, Mal-nutrition, Child immunity, Child pain management, Nutrition, Pediatric diseases, Exercise for Children, Child Dental Health, Child Development, Female genital tract illnesses, Veneral diseases, Menstrual Disorders, Pelvic Floor Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Uterine Fibroids, Urinary Incontinence, Prenatal Nutrition, Healthy Living, Infections, Gynecology, Contraception and Family Planning, Mental Health, Intellectual Growth

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International Journal of Ayurveda and Herbalism

The International Journal of Ayurveda and Herbalism is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of  Ayurveda and Herbalism. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

The International Journal of Ayurveda and Herbalism a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Ayurveda and Herbalism. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Ayurveda is originated in India over 3,000 years ago. It is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science). Ayurveda is a part of Atharva veda. The goal of Ayurveda is to protect healthy people's health and to treat diseases. It has also been referred to as the science of age protection (Ayu). Ayurveda is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

Herbalism is the research or practice of using plants for therapeutic and medicinal purposes. It helps in the treatment of various physical conditions, allergies and illnesses. Herbalism is also known as phytotherapy.

Some of the topics covered under this journal (but not limited to them) are:

Promotion of health, prevention of diseases, Therapy for chronic diseases, Satva, Rajas, Tamas, Tulsi, Peppermint or pudina, Henna or Mehndi, Neem, Cinnamon, Lavender, Marigold, herbal medicine, essential oils, Siddha medicine, Unani medicine, human health and disease.

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Swasthavritta- A journal on Diet, Hygiene, Yoga & Naturopathy

The journal on Diet, Hygiene, Yoga & Naturopathy is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application on Diet, Hygiene, Yoga & Naturopathy. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Swasthavritta- Journal on Diet, Hygiene, Yoga & Naturopathy is a peer reviewed journal that presents insightful papers on theory and practical application of Diet, Hygiene, Yoga and Naturopathy. The Journal is committed to promote basic research as well as application development in this highly specialized field.

Diet is a restricted diet to which a person adheres in order to reduce weight or for medical reasons. Hygiene refers to the circumstances and behaviours that serve to maintain health and prevent illness transmission. Good hygiene is essential for limiting the spread of infectious illnesses and assisting children in living long, healthy lives.

Yoga is a systematic practice of relaxation, breath control, physical exercise, food management, positive thinking, and meditation aiming at building body, mind, and environment harmony. Naturopathy is the most ancient kind of health treatment, combining contemporary scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of therapy. Naturopathy is a healthcare system that has a long history of traditional concepts and practises, medically educated practitioners, and a wide range of natural therapy choices to offer patients.

Some of the topics covered under this journal (but not limited to them) are:

Stress Management,    Disease prevention, Homeopathy, Manipulative therapies, Exercise therapy, maintenance of public and private health, growth and development, breast feeding, malnutrition, herbs and other dietary supplements, practitioner-guided detoxification, Dietary and lifestyle changes

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A Collection of Contemporary Research Articles in Electronics, Communication & Computation- Book ISBN- 978-81-948050-7-6

NIT Jamshedpur organized a 2-day Online National Conference on Electronics, Communication and Computation (NCECC-2020) on 5-6 September 2020. This conference was one among the series of Online Conferences organized by NIT Jamshedpur since the COVID-19 lockdown. This conference was sponsored by the Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP-3).

The conference was inaugurated online by Prof. Rajeev Tripathi, Director of MNNIT Allahabad, at 9:00 AM on the 5th of September 2020 in the Senate Room of NIT Jamshedpur, maintaining the norms of social distancing. Prof. Karunesh Kumar Shukla, Director of NIT Jamshedpur, presided over this session. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest congratulated the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for organizing the event at the right time with a suitable theme. He elaborated on the need for such events and told that young researchers from all over the country get a chance to show their innovative ideas and get them reviewed by experts in the area. Prof. Tripathi, a renowned scholar in the area, briefly explained the role of electronics and communication engineering in dealing with the pandemic situation. Prof. Shukla informed that three such online programs were inaugurated on the 5th of September, Teacher’s day. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. S N Singh, the Head of Department, informed us about the development activities of the department and told us that more such programs were in the pipeline.

The Digital Proceedings of the conference was released in the form of a CD during the inaugural session. Briefing the conference, the Organizing Secretaries Dr. Prashant Kumar, Dr. Jayendra Kumar and Dr. Mrutyunjay Rout informed that research papers were invited in different areas of Electronics, Communication and Computation. In response to which 108 papers were submitted from all over India. A rigorous review process was conducted, which involved more than 50 external reviewers from various IITs, NITs and other reputed Institutes. On average, each paper was reviewed by at least three reviewers. A total of 69 papers were provisionally selected. The authors were asked to revise their papers in light of the reviewer’s comments. A total of 59 papers were finally registered and presented. Prof. Saswat Charabarty, Professor of G S Sanyal School of Information Technology, IIT Kharagpur, was the General Chair of this Conference. In all 9 sessions and 4, Keynote Lectures by famous personalities were conducted online on the Google-meet platform. The conference's theme was 'The Role of Electronics and Communication in Pandemic Situation'. Several papers directly related to this theme were received.

On the first day, two keynote lectures were delivered by Prof. Tarun Kanti Bhattacharya of Electronics and Electrical Communication Department, IIT Kharagpur, and Dr. S P Sagar, Senior Principal Scientist of NML Jamshedpur. Dr. Bhattacharya delivered his talk on his recent innovative idea of medicine delivery by nano-sensors. He demonstrated how his findings could help painless medication and rapid treatment. Dr. Sagar gave a presentation on recent developments in electronic devices.

Six Technical Sessions were conducted on the first day in which 42 research papers were presented. These Sessions were Chaired by Prof. T K Bhattacharya, Prof. Amit Prakash, Dr. N Biradar, Dr. SP Sagar, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Nagendra Kumar, Dr. Mayank Srivastav, Dr. Basanta Bhowmik, Dr. K K Singh, Dr. Sarika Pal, Dr. Pratul Arvind, Dr. Bishanka Bratta Bhowmik, Dr. Arvind Yadav and Dr. Anumeha, Dr. Manpuran Mahto, Dr. JayenDr.a Kumar, and Dr. Manish Kumar.

One paper from each session was selected for the best paper award. On the last day of the conference, there were two keynote lectures engaged by Prof. Satybrat Jit of IIT (BHU) Varanasi, who spoke on “Metal-oxide-nano structure properties and applications” and Prof. R P Yadav, Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering Dept. MNIT Jaipur on “Mobile networking and smart antenna”. Three Technical Sessions were also conducted in which 17 research papers were presented. These sessions were chaired by Prof. Jit, Prof. Yadav, Dr. Arjun Singh and Dr. S K Dey of NIT Rourkela, Dr. Prabina Pattanayak of NIT Silchar, Dr. MP Singh NIT Karnataka.

The conference concluded with the valedictory session on 6-9-2020, in which best paper awards were announced. Prof. Gopal Pathak, Vice-Chancellor, Jharkhand Technical University, was the Chief Guest of this session. Among other present online were Prof. Worapong of KMITL, Thailand, Prof. R V Sharma, Dean (Research and Consultancy), Prof. Prabha Chand (Dean Faculty Welfare), Prof. Shiva Nand Singh, HoD, Electronics and Communication Engineering Dept., NIT Jamshedpur and Prof. R P Yadav, Professor, MNIT Jaipur. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Pathak elaborated the conference's theme “Role of Electronics and Communication in pandemic situation” and justified the timeliness and importance of the conference. Prof. Worapong, an expert in Electronics, also spread light on how electronics and communication techniques can help fight Corona Virus and said that the research community is working hard to solve the COVID-19 problem. Prof. S N Singh informed about the ongoing activities of his department in the diamond jubilee celebration year of NIT Jamshedpur. He said that many such online and offline programs would be organized soon.

The following papers were awarded as the best paper in each of the nine sessions:

  1. FIST, Kerala- Sustainable and Collaborative Automated Farming Technology with LoRa
  2. NIT Kurushetra- WAVE, WiMAX and LTE-V2V Technologies for Vehicular Communication: A Comparative Performance Evaluation
  3. NIT Jamshedpur- Weather Forecasting And Monitoring Using Machine Learning And Deep Neural Network Models
  4. BKIT Karnataka- IMT estimation through Points of Interest-based on Surf and MSER descriptors
  5. NIT Jamshedpur- Haptics and Electromyogram (EMG): Recent Advancements and Future Aspects for Enriched Haptic Experience
  6. CSIR-NML Jamshedpur- High-temperature Eddy Current Sensor for Real-time Vibration Monitoring of Moving Engineering Components
  7. NIT Jamshedpur- Optimization of ZnSnO/CIGS solar cell with the incorporation of Cu2O-EBL layer
  8. Jadavpur University- Throughput Analysis Using Three-Step Two-Way Decode And Forward Multi Relay Network For Wireless Energy Harvesting
  9. NIT Jamshedpur- COVID-19 Classification from Radiography Images using Deep Learning

The program concluded with the online feedback of the participants. Giving their feedback, the participants expressed happiness and complete satisfaction with the conduct of the online conference and appreciated the endeavour of NIT Jamshedpur.

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